Your Aging in Place Specialist
With over 25 years of experience, we provide quality solutions tailored to businesses and homeowners, ensuring safety, comfort, and independence for years to come.
Aging in Place Specialist
With over 25 years of experience, we provide quality solutions tailored to businesses and homeowners, ensuring safety, comfort, and independence for years to come.
We combine expertise, compassion, and a commitment to excellence to create safe, accessible spaces tailored to your needs. We prioritize your comfort, independence, and peace of mind every step of the way.
We combine expertise, compassion, and a commitment to excellence to create safe, accessible spaces tailored to your needs. With over 25 years of experience, we prioritize your comfort, independence, and peace of mind every step of the way.
Certified Expertise
Certified to meet the highest standards in accessibility and safety.
Certified Expertise
Certified to meet the highest standards in accessibility and safety.
Compassion & Care
We prioritize your comfort, independence, and well-being in every project we undertake.
Compassion & Care
We prioritize your comfort, independence, and well-being in every project we undertake.
Clinical Experience
Rehabilitation expertise ensures we understand your unique needs.
Clinical Experience
Rehabilitation expertise ensures we understand your unique needs.
Excellence Commitment
Over 25 years of expertise in adaptable living solutions you can trust.
Excellence Commitment
Over 25 years of expertise in adaptable living solutions you can trust.
AdaptAble Homes provides expert recommendations and home modifications tailored to your unique needs—whether you're adapting for disability, recovering from rehabilitation, or planning to age in place. From equipment selection to home updates, we ensure your home works for you.
Home Accessibility Assessments
Comprehensive evaluations to identify
barriers and recommend practical
adaptations for safe, comfortable living.
Customized solutions like ramps, grab bars, and widened doorways to improve accessibility. Expert guidance on equipment including stairlifts and smart home devices to enhance functionality and ease.
Connections to Resources
Personalized recommendations for equipment and modifications, including where to buy and what to choose. Guidance on installation options, with referrals to trusted contractors or advice for family-led solutions.
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